Obduction Wiki

The Community Center puzzle is a puzzle in Obduction.


Solving the Power generator puzzle is necessary in order to use the panel that opens the back door of the Center. After this, the puzzle consists of three main parts.

C.W.'s Workshop[]

Vault note
The Vault note

First, enter C.W.'s workshop and head upstairs. There is a note from Mayor Janssen on the table with the camcorder. It mentions securing a vault with a code that is Farley's address number backwards.

Farley's Front Yard[]

Farley's Front Yard
Farley's front yard

Head to the front of the Farley's Community Center. Her address number (1436) is visible in two locations: on the mailbox post and on a porch post.

Community Center Back Entrance[]

Community Center Back Entrance
The back door entrance

Go to the back entrance of the Community Center. To get there, you will need to pass across the swing bridge that you used to get to the power generator puzzle. Go to the Trainyard and pass through it, exiting through the building and continuing onward. The back entrance is on your right side. Enter Farley's address number backwards (6341) into the keypad, and the door will unlock. Click on the door to open it. Head to the front of the house, unlock the door, and click it to open it. This makes the passage from the front of Hunrathj to its rear side quicker.

Further action[]

Once this puzzle is completed, the swing bridge of Hunrath should be rotated back to its central position to enable the continuity of the path that runs along the Wall. For this, the left side of the propeller has to be be pushed down into the water flow and the lever on the bank of the river should be pushed once.
