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Hunrath Seed Machine 1
Ambassador seed used in a seed-swap device

Ambassador Seeds are one of the types of seeds that come from the Trees. Potentially, they swap spheres between Cells of different species.


Ambassador Seeds drop every 400 days if the Trees remain healthy. The seeds drop simultaneously in paired worlds. When they are touched by at least one of each species, they swap an "ambassador" from one species to the other cell. These seeds allowed for all the species to meet each other for the first time (intense, but a short meeting), and later discover more about the other species. The location is defined by where the seeds are before the swap. They have a recharge, at first very quick, allowing for a quick return, but grew slower over time, requiring longer visits between species.[1]

Usage in seed-swap devices[]

In the document "Ambassador Seed" Swap Machine Functionality, we learn how these seeds have been used to create swaps on demand. A mechanical system that either encloses or forces seed open makes the seed display "prep" behavior, i.e. emitts a spherical illumination whose color indicates the target cell and its radius defines the area that will be swapped if triggered. With the help of a battery to amplify the Ambient membrane power, a continuous charge is achieved so that it can be reswapped immediately after swapping. A small parabolic focal panel focused on the seed, can be activated by a button to trigger the swapping.

